Adineta sp. 25 cf acuticornis |
Adineta cf acuticornis, specimen from (1), gliding, dorsoventral view. This morphotype is characterised by long spurs, the edges of which are parallel for half of its length at the base, then narrowing with a concave indentation and tapering (see images below). Interspace between the spurs. The rostrum, however, is different from the drawing of Haigh (1965) |
Adineta cf acuticornis, same specimen; focus plane on the spurs. (1) |
Adineta cf acuticornis, same specimen, lateral view; optical median section; focus plane on the dorsal antenna and mastax. Rami length: 16µm (1) |
Adineta cf acuticornis, head of the same specimen. The left image shows the convex rostrum with more or less tuular side protrusions and ?sensory? bristles sticking out, whereas the right image shows a notched foliose rostrum lamella and no lateral sensory bristles. The time between photographing these images is approx. 1 sec. This demonstrates how different the shape of the rostrum lamella may appear in a photograph or a drawing, so that it is very difficult to identify the Adineta species based on the shape of rostrum lamella alone. Both images, however, demonstrate that the width of the anterior rostrum lamella (marked by double arrow) is wider than the posterior rostrum lamella (marked by arrowheads) |
Adineta cf acuticornis, head, ventral view; focus plane on the ciliary field and rake apparatus with NoUH = 6/6. (1) |
Adineta cf acuticornis, foot, dorsoventral ventral view; focus plane on the long acute spurs which look like the ones described by Haigh (1965): parallel edges for the basal half of its length,with slight bulge and sudden concave contraction into a tip on the distal half. Interspace between spurs (ratio IW : SBW≈ 1.5). (1) |
Location: Hagen-West, B 226 near "Kaufpark Verwaltung", moss on tree; together with Philodina vorax. See also Adineta sp. 16 which was also found in a sample containing P. vorax. |
Habitat: moss on tree |
Date: coll 24.07.2018; img 03.08.2018 |